Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Sierra Nevada Knock Off

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is probably the defining beer of the American Pale Ale Style.  I cannot wait to try the real thing, but until then I'll have to do with the knock off.

I find this beer is really well balanced and full flavoured.  The original recipe that I based this off was from the brewery by way of the Northern Brewer forum before it was redesigned.

Batch Size:  20L
Boil Size:  15L

OG: 1.052
FG: 1.015
Brew date: 28/03/2016
Estimated ABV: 5%
Actual ABV: 4.86%

1Kg Sorghum Syrup @ 60 minutes
500g Maltodextrine @ 60 minutes
1tsp Calcium carbonate @ 10 minutes
14g Magnum 13.6% AA @ 60 minutes
14g Perle 7.7% AA @ 30 minutes
1 x whirlfloc tablet @ 15 minutes
28g Cascade Hops @ 15 minutes
1tsp Yeast nutrient @ 15 minutes
2kg Sorghum Syrup @ 0 minutes
750g (500ml) Amber Candy Syrup @ 0 minutes
60g Cascade Hops @ whirlpool 10 minutes
*** Cold Crash ***
1 packets of Fermentis US-05 American Ale Yeast